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Sexton Properties R.P.
22100 S. Central Avenue
Richton Park, Illinois 60471

(224) 212-1251 Office
(224) 212-1260 Fax


Here you will find the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s LPC-662 and LPC-663 forms for your convenience that must be completed prior to any acceptance of materials at the site*.

LPC-662 Form:
This form applies to most residential customers, and is used when soil is removed from a site that is not “potentially impacted property”, and is presumed to be uncontaminated soil with a pH range of 6.25 to 9.0. It must be signed by either the source site owner or operator. In cases where a load contains soil from multiple sites, the owner or operator of each source site must sign a separate LPC-662 form.


This form must be used by all commercial and industrial customers or if you remove soil from a site that is determined to be “potentially impacted property”. Soil under this form must be evaluated, sampled and certified by either a professional engineer or a professional geologist before it can be accepted.


To find out more about filling out each of these forms, please visit this link here

* Please note that these forms do not guarantee acceptance of the depository materials. All items must be free of contaminants and all loads are inspected and tested prior to placement. Sexton reserves the right to refuse any load at their sole discretion.