Welcome to the Sexton Properties Richton Park Eco-Facility. At this location we offer to our clients Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD) depository services, Concrete Crushing Recycling services, as well as Asphalt Shingle Recycling services. Centrally located at the northwest corner of I-57 and Sauk Trail in Richton Park, Illinois, let us help you keep your operating costs down and your productivity up by visiting our one-stop shop for depositing materials such as top soil, clay, stones, rocks, aggregate, clean concrete, broken asphalt and/or clean brick. Before leaving, don’t deadhead! Save even more time, fuel and money by loading up with our crushed aggregates or some of our reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) which you can read further about under the “Our Services” tabs. We can accommodate projects of all sizes, so contact us today!